How to enroll
There are four steps to enroll in the plan:
- Review the program information. If you have a spouse who participates in a group or employer benefit plan, take the time to review any coverage you have under that plan. You’ll need to consider how both plans work together to provide coverage, and where best to purchase any optional coverage.
- Make your selections. To do that, review the Election Guide and complete an Election Form.
- Complete your beneficiary designation(s). If you do not name a beneficiary (or there is no surviving beneficiary at the time of your death), then payment will be made to your estate, which may result in delays or additional legal fees.
- Return your paperwork. Please return your Election and Designation of Beneficiary forms as indicated below:
- CBM members: Return forms to Member Care
- FBU members: Return forms to the FBU offices
- CBOQ and CBWC members: Return forms to
For more information, refer to the Overview page.
NOTE: If you’re from Atlantic Canada, you can access your benefits plan information here.